Hi, I'm Dr. Jennie Rosier. I'm an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at James Madison University where I teach courses in interpersonal communication (SCOM 320: Intro to Interpersonal Communication, SCOM 314: Communication in Romantic Relationships, & SCOM 330: Attachment Communication), research methods (SCOM 383: Experimental Research Methods), and general communication (SCOM 123: Fundamentals of Human Communication). I'm also the author of several books (which you can read about HERE), author of the large majority of blog posts here on this site, and all-around love enthusiast. I've dedicated my life to figuring out how individuals can use communication to live happy lives successfully connected to others. As the creator and director of the Relationships, Love, Happiness Project, which aims to promote healthy romantic and parent-child relationships through a variety of activities, I'm able to help individuals face-to-face in the greater Shenandoah Valley and online via the articles and online e-courses available on this website.
CONTACT: rosierjg {at} jmu {dot} edu