With all of the after school activities, friend play dates, extended family visits, work that's brought home, daily and weekly chores, home improvement projects, and general stress that being in a family presents, it's hard to find time to relax and really connect.
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Personally, my husband and I have four children; twin boy/girl 7.5 year-olds, a 4.5 year old boy, and a 1.5 year old boy. Life is, to say the least, hectic. We struggle to find time to think! And connecting one-on-one or as a group with our children is sometimes put on the back burner. But research has shown time and time again that spending quality time with your children on a regular basis can have profoundly positive impacts on them (see Madigan, Atkinson, Laurin, & Benoit, 2013; Pallini, Baiocco, Schneider, Madigan, & Atkinson, 2014 for reviews). Lasting impacts that can shape the way they make friends through out life, maintain romantic relationships, and develop families of their own as adults. The bottom line is that building a strong relationship with your children when they are young and fostering strong bonds between siblings can seriously benefit them later in life.
Playing with your kids is one way to build these connections. Whether you're wrestling around before dinner, flipping your children over your shoulders and ending in a tickle war or sitting down and playing chess while talking about your vacation plans for next summer, playing with your children, while giving them your undivided attention, even if it's only for 10 minutes, should be integrated into your daily routine.
This isn't really new news. We have known for some time that play is good, and even necessary, for a wide range of benefits. For instance, we know that active, unstructured, outdoor play can have a positive impact on mood and ability to pay attention to tasks (Burdette & Whittaker, 2005). We also know that imagination play is crucial for brain development (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000). Play has even been successfully used in therapy to help improve attachment bonds
"to engage children in interactions that lead to competence, self-regulation, self-esteem, and trust" (Booth & Jernberg, 2009).
What lots of us struggle with is finding the time to play. And finding something to play that everyone likes- kids and adults! Because when we play something that's enjoyable for everyone, we're much more likely to find the time. Need some help figuring out what to do? Here are four suggestions I have that my family REALLY loves to do together (besides playing outside, which is our go-to activity when the weather permits). I hope your family will like these activities, too.
1. Pie Face Game
Oh. My. Golly. We love this game! Grab yourself some whipped cream and a video camera and this game is SO MUCH FUN! We got this game for our family last Christmas and have had a BLAST playing about once a month since. Kids and adults of all ages will LOVE this game. Your house will be filled with laughter and squeals. Hasbro even created a new version of this game for this holiday season called, Pie Face Showdown Game